Custom Backing Tracks

Custom backing tracks for musicians, bands, duos, solo artists or any other production or performance. Our tracks are made with care and are not compromised in any way. Quality is assured by taking the appropiate time and applying the right skills to produce the track you require - custom backing tracks.

A Custom backing tracks account will be created for you and you will be able to download your tracks directly from the website. Tracks can be supplied in any format. If you need a click track along with the backing track we can place a custom click in either the left or right channel with the music in the opposite side allowing you to split the output - mixing and mastering services india.

Custom backing tracks aims to provide the client with quality transcriptions at the lowest cost possible. Dependant on the job, length of piece, number of bars etc. Backing tracks, karaoke, live tracks plus more. Looking to do a solo performance and need a backing track to sing to? We will make it exactly the way you want it. For more information, please visit our site

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