Custom Backing Tracks Service in India

We know from many years experience what it's like to stand in front of an audience and entertain. We make high quality backing tracks to your specifications, so you get the key or arrangement you need, in tracks that are unique to your show. To give you an idea of the quality we aim for, check out the free demo tracks get - online music production.

We can help by blending some of your tracks together giving you the option of non-stop action, keeping you where you should be on stage entertaining, not pushing buttons. Custom backing tracks for original music covers are made specifically for your own exclusive use - custom backing tracks.

We can work remotely with you anywhere on the planet. Studio producer and we can often work with you to complete a production completely. We also have access to an international selection of session musicians on a range of instruments and styles who also work remotely with us. For more information, please visit our site

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