Backing Tracks for Original Music

Here at Carry a Tune Studio, backing tracks for original music and covers are made specifically for your own exclusive use. We are musicians and programmers with more than many years in the business. The biggest karaoke companies use our music, our vocals, our karaoke videos for their productions and stuff. Why our custom backing tracks are ranked among the best? it's very simple, because we have years of experience in music recording - custom backing tracks.

We do songs with and without backing vocals all our backing tracks have proper ending. Our music do not sound cheesy like those organ midi files but our music sound brilliant and powerful. We can do the karaoke version we can remove any instrument from the mixing - online music production.

We understand the full coordination of a melody without any preparation, making the instrumentation as needed by the creator or customer. In case you're a writer think about what. We can record your collection it will seem like an expert creation, with your own style. For more information, please visit our site

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