Custom Backing Tracks for Vocal Recording

If you're doing a cover song, search for "Karaoke Tracks". There are many popular websites and services for karaoke tracks. Using at Carry a Tune Studio is great if you have some lyric ideas and don't mind conforming them to a previously produced track. We can do this service for a cover song or an original. The best place to start is to search for "custom backing tracks".

Are you looking for a backing track that sounds as much as possible like the original song? Do you want to personalize it by changing the musical instruments. Backing Track for difficult song (composition of additional parts, modification of the arrangement) - online music production.

These tracks are also known as the professional backing tracks and are best for the people performing in concerts, bar, restaurants etc. A backing track is the music that a singer sings along to. If you play guitar or piano you could just record yourself playing those instruments. For more information, please visit our site

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