Custom Backing Track Arrangement

Custom made tracks allow you to choose your key if necessary, change the structure or even have a different arrangement as compared to the original. It's a wonderful opportunity to be able to create the precise instrumental version that you wish for - custom backing tracks.

Have you been looking for backing tracks online but can't seem to find the right one in the right, in the right key, with the right instruments etc etc? We can use numerous samples for so your backing track sounds just as you like it. Our company's founders are musicians and engineers passionate about opening up new opportunities for music creators and working musicians.

Want to change it up to fit your style? We'll make it happen. We will work with you to ensure the track is in the perfect key for you, and at the best tempo for you to sing to. Once you have the backing track feel free to use it in any of your content - online music production.

High quality custom tracks are no longer an inaccessible luxury. Each professional performer can use our services and build up a wide repertoire of material thanks to our affordable prices. We create backing tracks, instrumental versions, arrangements and made to measure songs in particular for show business professionals tribute acts, musicians, bands, theatrical productions etc. For more information please visit our site
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